

Sometimes, I just wonder exactly how things work in the spirit world.  The reason I say that is because of something that happened in Walmart at the milk case.

As I walked up, there was a lovely lady standing there at her buggy.  She looked up at me and said, "I just lost my husband.  We were married 55 years."  Now, why in the world would she say that to me?  After talking to her a minute, she told me that he had died September 11 of this year.  That day was the 14th anniversary of Heather's death.  I thought of my first grocery store trip without her and how hard it was just walking down the isle, while the other shoppers went about their business, oblivious to my pain.  Heather loved to cook and had done most of our shopping for a couple of years. I asked the little widow if she and her husband had shopped together.  Of course, they did. 

Right there in the dairy section, that beautiful grieving lady got a prayer, a blessing and a hug. God bless all those who grieve.

Coincidence?  I think not......

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (Matthew 5:4)

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful to think about God making the provision for that sweet lady and putting the two of you together. Too spectacular for words.


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