
Farmer's Market

~Farmer's Markets~
I could hardly wait for them

They were late this year
because the planting season was delayed
by the last blizzard (in May)
and then by rain and more rain
Today was the second Saturday market
for Powers Lake
a town that is so small
they instantly recognize outsiders
(That would be me).
The farmers are harvesting their crops
and probably putting most of them
in jars and freezers for the winter
It's not officially fall here
but the atmosphere has shifted
- the mornings are 50 or below
and the days are getting cooler
If there were literal seasons of our lives,
I think we would also be in the fall.
We've passed the spring planting and growing,
and the summer weeding and watering.

It's the fall years of our lives
and it had has snuck up on us
(is that really a word?)
and it feels really strange to be here
Our conversations have turned to planning for our winter:
How much longer do I have to work?
Where should we live?
What will we do?
Have we put up enough?

Consider the ant... 
she prepares her food in the summer
and gathers her provision in the harvest.
Proverbs  6:7-8

And I've made a trip to the kitchen counter
while every picture uploaded
for a bite of a delicious athena melon.
It's a watermelon sized cantaloupe
and mouth watering good!

Guess I AM the Mama Bear-
packing on the fat for the winter....

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