
Nana Camp

This week of Nana Camp is like a miracle.
a breath of fresh air,
a gift straight from heaven

A couple of years ago, she was going through a fit throwing stage
and you might say she was the Queen of Fits.
And because I wouldn't let her get away with it,
she didn't like me. 
In fact,she went through some time when she wouldn't
kiss, hug, talk,
 or even look at me.
She would just cross those arms and scowl.
Yes, it broke the grandmother's heart.

November 3, 2009
I wrote this in my journal:

Hannah says to me:
"don't get close"
(Don't we say the same to God.
"you can only come this close")

Hannah says to me:
"don't touch my art project"
(Don't we say to God, "I want you in my life,
but you can't have my...
job, family, money, etc.")

Hannah says to me:
"no kisses, no hugs"
(Don't we say to God, "no lovin' on me")

Then Hannah  says, "Nana, will you help me..."
(Don't we run to Him when we need help?)

Hannah says, "Nana, you sit here, you stand there,
you say this and play this way"
(Don't we tell God to play by our rules. 
Don't we tell Him who we want Him to be?)

 I decided that day that I would love Hannah
as unconditionally as my Father loves me.
I would be there when she fell down,
when she needed me,
and when she can't reach what she needs...

So every chance I got, I said:
"Hannah, I loved you yesterday
I love you today
I will love you tomorrow
and you can't do anything that will
keep me from loving you"

And like her stubborn Nana,
she has finally given in to unconditional love.

Here we are having a grand and glorious time
at Nana Camp.

Children's Children are a Crown to the aged
(Proverbs 17:6)

More fun pictures later...

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