
Abraham and Sarah

I was fielding the lunch questions about
 when we are leaving (Wednesday),
where we are going (North Dakota),
where we are staying (don't know),
how long we'll be gone (don't know)
when I'll be back for a visit (don't know).

I said, "It's sort of like going on faith"

And she said,
"Just like Abraham and Sarah"

Genesis 12 tell us that God told Abraham to leave his country
 and go to a land He (God) would show him.

So Abraham left just as God said, and Lot (his nephew) went with him. Abraham was seventy-five years old.  He took his wife Sarah, and his nephew Lot with him, along with all the possessions and people that had accumulated.  And they set out for the land of Canaan and they arrived safe and sound..

A commentary I read says the trip was about 400 miles and would have taken 20 days if they could average 20 miles a day.  The move would have been like moving a small city.

So I wonder,
Did Sarah make a list?
Did she Google Canaan?
Did she check the weather?
How many camp grounds did she call before she found availability?
Did she make sure all the robes and tents were clean?
Did she make a snack pack for everybody?
How many trips did she make to Walmart?
Did she have a lunch date with friends before she left?
Did she forward the mail?
Did her cell phone break two days before she left?
Did Abe sell her favorite riding camel 12 hours before she left?

No, I'm not Sarah
and I'm not married to Abraham.
My man follows the job
and I follow the man.

And it feels like we are moving a small city.

But, yes, we are going on faith.

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