
Airport Blog

Here we are at the Denver International Airport with a couple of hours to wait.  I think I'll try to write a blog post!

We drove to Texas last week - well actually, my man would say he drove Ms. Daisy and the trailer.  We brought it home (to Texas) for the winter and are flying back.  The 1400 mile road south was probably 90% two lane, and not all that busy.  He hunted all the way through six states.  "Look at those deer.  There are two pheasant,  Wow!  How many turkey are there?  Did you see the ducks on the pond?  There's some mule deer.  Look at the cloud of geese.  What is that hawk carrying?  I think that is prairie chicken.  Whoa - there's a coyote!  Those piles of sticks are muskrat condos.  Did you see the deer in that wheat field?"   He is amazing.  I told him that he has critter-eyes - always looking for critters while he drives.   It's what 2 Chronicles 16:9 says God does:

For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth
 that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.
(2 Chronicles 16:9)

The moon came up and went down three times.  We saw the sun rise and set twice.  It was all beautiful, but I gave up trying to take pictures - the truck was just too shaky.

 I just love a full moon!

Back at home (in Texas), daughter and granddaughter came for a visit
and the three of us

went to the pasture behind our house.

[goofy side note:
If there's three cowgirls in a four wheeler,
how do you tell the real cowgirl?
It's the one in the middle.
She doesn't have to drive.
and she doesn't have to open the gate!]

We stopped by Teribithia,
(a little neglected gathering spot in the pasture out behind our house)

We moved some tumble weeds
and replaced some bottles

 that fell off the bottle trees

It's just a place to sit and reflect and think and pray...

My thankful list:

Safe Travel
Getting to see critters
Time with family
The home in Texas
My bed there
Four Wheelers
Good Texas Food
Not far from the border Mexican Food
Texas sunrises
Texas sunsets
and a messy little place to

 “Be still, and know that I am God"
(Psalm 46:10)

I didn't make it all the way through the blog in the airport
 because I kept falling offline.

We had 80 degree temperatures in Texas and 
 came back to North Dakota snow and icy roads.

Am I ready?


I'll keep you posted.

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