

Be not the first to whom the new are tried,
Nor the last to lay the old aside.
(Alexander Pope 1711)

 I needed glasses - 
Because I saw stars at night 
- NOT the big bright stars at night deep in the heart of Texas
- but headlights coming my way
and I saw furry critters in words up close
and I had to squint at the computer.

The prescription was for progressive lenses.
(Sort of TRI-Focals without the lines)

I have always been on the tail end of fashions, styles, and trends.
"Give me the newest, the latest, and the greatest",
I said to the gals fitting glasses.

They laughed.
And brought me the newest trend in eye-wear fashion 
and convinced me that they were perfect for me.

Back at home,
with clearer vision...

I began to see my parents in the mirror...

Deja - VIEW

I don't know whether my glasses are new or old
or the old new or the new old.

But I do know that 2 Corinthians 5:17 says:
"If anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation;
old things have passed away;
all things have become new."

And that, my friend, 
good news.

1 comment:

  1. I love your glasses. You look like Holly in that photo. I tried some of those glasses on but I wasn't brave enough. You are so cute!


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