
Sowing and Reaping

Helene suggested that at least some of the plants in the flower beds

 might be 50 years old,

planted by Mrs. Prather.

There's always the possibility that Mrs. Olson

and Mrs. Presnall

also made contributions

to the already lovely flowerbeds.

So, Mrs. Prather sowed, watered and reaped a beautiful garden

Mrs. Olson watered and reaped what Mrs. Prather sowed.

Then Mrs. Presnall watered and reaped what Mrs. Prather and Mrs. Olson sowed.

Then I come along and water and reap
what Mrs. Prather
and Mrs. Olson
and Mrs. Presnall
have all sown.

" the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true"
(John 4:37
red because Jesus said it)

It's like the things we sow into our children,
watered by grandparents and teachers,
and then enjoyed by others whose lives they touch.

Of course, Jesus was probably talking about deep spiritual things,
but I sure have been reaping beauty
thanks to some ladies that certainly didn't
plant or water with me in mind.

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