
I Can Do It!

The end of the school year and graduations prompt the probing questions of "What are you going to do?" and "Where are you going?"  My grandgirl's first grade teacher was no different with the year end assignment - "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Horse Racer
Rodeo Star
Dolphen Trainer
Dog Trainer
Horse Trainer
Scuba Diver
Snake Raiser
Hamster Raiser
Buffalo Trainer
Bull Rider
Space Scientist
Rock Star
Pet Vet

After I read this amazing list, I asked  her mom how she would have answered at 7.  She said probably nurse (and the boys would have said firemen)

At 7, I didn't even know I was going to grow up, much less what I wanted to be.  As a matter of fact, I STILL don't know what I want to be when I grow up!  And at my age, I don't even have a bucket list. Pitiful. My biggest goal is deciding what to cook for dinner!

This girl's middle name has been "I can do it" since she could talk. 

She works at it until she is successful or realizes that she needs a little help and is not afraid to ask.  Without a doubt, she could do any of those things, although there are a few on her list that I would be ok with her skipping (like snake raiser and buffalo trainer and bull rider).

It will be really exciting to watch her grow up and see how many of those goals she reaches.  I think she'll be as comfy in pink frills as she is in her brother's hand-me-down athletic shorts.  I bet she'll be so confident in who she is that she won't need the latest hairstyles or fashion jeans.  She'll probably buy shoes for the fit and feel instead of the color and design. 

She probably won't even worry about little things like wrinkles or facial hair

What a girl!

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