
Homeless in North Dakota

North Dakota has the lowest unemployment rate in the nation and people flock here from every state looking for work.  Some have sold all their belonging and come with the family to this oil patch expecting their problems to be over.  When they arrive, they find that there are no available hotel rooms, apartments, or houses.  Many people (even families) are living in cars or tents in the city parks and campgrounds. The motel near us sometimes allows people to bed down in the lobby.  The Salvation Army is extremely busy feeding newcomers that haven't found work because they don't qualify for the available jobs.  It's a sad, sad thing.  Nabors Drilling has a man camp, where 24 men stay in each 12 man trailer (they work shift work and share the beds).  When a new apartment building or hotel is built, Halliburton, Basic, BJ, and others lease the whole thing for their employees.  Any houses listed for sale or rent, go immediately - in spite of the high cost.  This is an incredible place.  As for us, we are living in a 5th wheel RV until the first freeze.  We have been looking for housing since we got here, but haven't found anything.  Just trusting God.

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