
When God Winks

A Farmer's Market lured me 30 miles away, through construction, trucks, potholes, harvest ready wheat, and acres upon acres of smiling sunflowers.  The added bonus was the Annual Senior Center Flower Show and Brunch.

 I met Corrine there and she invited me to tour her little 50's house.

 It was a place dear to her because of the childhood days and nights she spent there with her cousin. She and her husband bought it, restored for three years, and had it ready to serve burgers at the town's centennial celebration.  She opens the diner for special events, "big girl" parties, and special guests. 

She said finding all the furnishings was like "God Winking" - what others might call a coincidence.

God winked when she advertised for 50's style furniture and a friend responded that she just happened to have this great sectional couch.

God winked when she was given a railing that was a perfect fit for the stairway.

God winked when a relative gave her a flawless chrome dinette set.

God winked when she found the cheerful floor for the bathroom at the local lumber yard.

And then there's the kitchen,

And the footed bathtub,

And the HATS!

And God Winked
when He introduced me to a new friend -
a kindred spirit, a fellow junker, a rummage sale queen.
Not only that - we go to the same church, but had never met!

Don't you know God loves to wink!

Remember me, Lord,
when You show favor to Your people.
(Pslam 106:4 NIV)

Remember me, God, when you enjoy your people;
include me when you save them;
I want to see your chosen succeed,
celebrate with your celebrating nation,
join the Hallelujahs of your pride and joy!
(Psalm 106:4 The Message)

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